A magnificent pheasant strides though a patch of ragwort.
Its called war of the worlds mostly because it reminds me a 50's b movie poster. But also it depicts a destructive invasive species -The Pheasant ( they are beautiful and much loved but non native and terrible for biodiversity )In contrast to the humble native ragwort , almost univerally despised by farmers and landowners etc but its an amazing plant that is fabulous for biodiversity and supports a wide range of native species, some of which are included in the picture. The cinnabar moth lays its eggs on the plant ( only ragwort and its close relation grounsel ) the cinnabar moth caterpillars are eaten by just about everything ! Bats , lizards , birds etc etc etc it is also the favourite home of a wide range of other insects .
Original Acrylic on canvas .
size 50cm x 60cm
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